Monday, December 7, 2009

Hallelujah instead of halloween

Realizing how behind I am on blogging as I'm looking back through my pictures. So a few short posts are in order to attempt at getting caught up. We had a great weekend at the end of October with Aunt Peggy and Cathy/Nanna coming up for a visit. We got to spend a little time with cousin Jessica, too. We ate lots of yummy food, did a little shopping and enjoyed getting the kids all dressed up to walk around our neighborhood on Saturday night... in spite of the rain. As we do each year on October 31st, we shared with our children from our hearts about the hope we have in Christ... hallelujah. And encouraged them as we walked through our neighborhood and interacted with others, that we share the love and hope of Christ through our words and our countenance. We had 2 little fairy princesses, a fall princess (created entirely by Catherine's own imagination) and a pioneer.

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