The day Mary Scott was born - January 26th, 2006
Yes, Mary Scott enjoyed her chocolate frosted doughnut
We had fun having a Tea Party together
Our tea was white grape juice and our tidbits... gummy bears
Mary Scott's favorite - frosted with sprinkles
Benjamin as, "Benji the Snowman"
Mary Scott's snowman cupcake, complete with 3 candles and snowballs
Sisters in their snowman wear
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...."
Celebrating with friendsLast Monday, I spent the morning celebrating Mary Scott on her 3rd birthday. How quickly these first three years of her life have gone. After taking Benjamin and Catherine to school, I took Mary Scott to one of our favorite treat places, Dunkin Doughnuts. I got her favorite doughnuts, chocolate frosted with sprinkles before returning home. She and I ate doughnuts as part of our morning tea party together. It was a really sweet time for both of us. We also read a couple of books to top off our time. She had fun the whole day and said many times, "It's my birthday. January 26th!" At lunch time, we found a package by our door from Aunt Katie Beth. It was so cute, Mary Scott opened it up and was so excited. She said, "Mommy, it's a pizza," with the biggest smile ever. She was celebrating that Aunt Katie Beth had mailed her a pizza for her birthday. Yes, it was a pizza box but not a pizza. There were several surprises inside the box. Her favorite... the book, The Little House, which we have read nearly every day since Monday. We had a wonderful day of celebration.
Catherine made Mary Scott a really sweet card. One of the things she wrote in the card said, "You are a good sister." Oh how I pray my girls will grow up being the best of friends. And I hope Benjamin will always be close to them, too. I read once that at home with their siblings is where children learn how to have christian friendships, relationships. And further that although outside friends may come and go, siblings will always be there so those friendships are truly the dearest. I thought that was so good. And it reminded me why I invest so much energy into "training" them in how they treat one another. I'm not okay with this attitude the world has of, "oh they're siblings, there supposed to fight."
We had a snowman party on Saturday with a few of Mary Scott's friends to celebrate. She had so much fun. In all, 5 friends came (Isabelle, Lily, Garrett, Kallah & Caroline). They shared a snack and a snowman cupcake before dressing Benjamin up like a snowman. When given the option of doing a snowman craft or playing - playing won their vote! Mary Scott had a great time with her friends and is enjoying the fun gifts they brought her... a wagon just her size, a beauty kit with a working hairdryer, a beautiful tea set, a huge floor puzzle and an awesome story/picture Bible. Wow, thank you to everyone!
Mary Scott, you are a ray of sunshine to our family. You have this smile that is totally your own. And you are so funny and full of personality. Definitely the comedian in our family. You speak of Jesus often and love to pray. And these days, you're quite the independent one (which I celebrate often, but sometimes I just need you to let me do it!). You're my more cautious, often fearful, child - definitely not a risk taker. You find bugs really scary, even little ones. But you've overcome some fears, too, like sliding and swinging. You've decided they're quite fun. You love to go to church and look forward to seeing your friends there. And you have some precious things you say. One word you've made up is "tomornin." You seem to say it in reference to tomorrow, in the morning and even sometimes for yesterday. You've referred to the breakfast room table as, "that counter we eat on." And when you speak of Daddy or me, it's always, "My Daddy," or "My Mommy." So cute your little voice is! And loud, you're often quite the loud one. You seem to have two volumes... either I don't hear you at all or you're screaming. I often wonder if that's because you're a 3rd child and have to be sure you're heard. And you love your daddy with every ounce of your being. You get so excited when he gets home from work and often, he's the first one you ask for in the morning when you wake. What a precious, precious girl you are. You are a delight to me and one of my prayers for you that I have been praying since you were still growing in my tummy has been that just as the Bible speaks of Mary (sister of Martha, Luke 10:38-42) sitting at Jesus' feet and listening to him... that you will be a "Mary" Scott who sits before the Lord all the days of your life listening and knowing him, not being distracted by the ways of this world... but that you would be sold out and fully dedicated to his ways. Precious girl, the Lord has great things in store for you and for all of us who will do just that... sit at his feet and KNOW him. I love you and celebrate you, and I am so very thankful God chose me to be your mommy.