Friday, April 24, 2009

The World of Play

I just love watching my children play.  It totally fascinates me... their sense of imagination, the way they can enter another world for a while, the way they learn so much through play.  I love the way that childhood offers a  lack of responsibility that gives a certain freedom to play with abandon, uninhibited.

Such it was on this particular afternoon... and I'm so glad I had the chance to capture it in a photo.  Mary Scott and this little pig were having a swell of a time together.  She would climb up on the little pig's back talking to him in the gentlest of ways, and scoot him along on the hardwoods as though they were riding off somewhere extra special.  And indeed, I enjoyed sitting back watching the story play out... it was wonderful. 

1 comment:

Heather J said...

I love it -your kids do a have wonderfully imaginative minds!! I'm soooo glad that the little piggy that Aunt Heather got MSJ is getting some extra use!!