Monday, January 26, 2009


Last Thursday, Mary Scott and I had a field trip to the Hanrions to make bread.  The girls played while Elisabeth and I (well, mostly Elisabeth) made bread.  We used fresh wheat flour that Elisabeth ground shortly before Mary Scott and I arrived.  I enjoyed learning more about the process of making fresh yeast bread.  It almost seems like an art.  And I enjoyed the chance to spend time with Elisabeth.  Once finished, we had baked bread and made rolls to keep in the freezer.  The bread is so yummy.  I can slice it and eat it - plain and not toasted - DELICIOUS!  I think I could live off of home-made bread and sweet tea with lemon.  Well maybe not... Matthew 4:4 tells me, "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."  So I think I've got it... I can sit down with a loaf of home-made bread, a big glass of sweet iced tea with extra lemon and enjoy them while reading my Bible - then my body and my spirit are being nourished.  Now that's the ticket!

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